
У ромів на Різдво: «Роми святкують майже місяць: у ніч з 1 на 20 січня»


У ромів на Різдво: «Роми святкують майже місяць: у ніч з 1 на 20 січня»
Звичаї ромів різняться залежно від регіону та етнічної групи. Які страви з’являються на їхньому святковому столі, які колядки співають, навіщо підкидають кутю до стелі і чим
А ти знаєш, як святкують Різдво у ромських родинах?


А ти знаєш, як святкують Різдво у ромських родинах?
Загалом в Україні проживає близько 15 етнічних груп ромів. Їхні звичаї подібні до українських: збираються у сімейному колі, готують 12 пісних страв, кутю, узвар. Однак кожна з груп (і навіть кожна з родин!) має ще й свої унікальні традиції.
Yulian Kondur: «Examples of efficient leadership within communities are the key to great changes»


Yulian Kondur: «Examples of efficient leadership within communities are the key to great changes»
About her mother's ideology and her belief in public organizations, about the place of women in a traditional Roma family and about the benefits of Roma for the economy of Ukraine - for “Ai Tu Zhianese. Do you know?” tells the coordinator of the international charitable organization Roma Women's Fund ‘Chiricli’ Julian Kondur.
Yulian Kondur: Our father taught us: «You should understand what you are doing and be a professional


Yulian Kondur: Our father taught us: «You should understand what you are doing and be a professional
In this episode of the podcast «Ai Tu Jianes. Did you know that?» we will learn about the founders of the Roma Women's Fund, namely, the life story and social activities of the coordinator of the international charity organization Chiricli, Julian Kondur.
«Crimean Roma used to identify as Crimean Tatars. And we never told them they were different»


«Crimean Roma used to identify as Crimean Tatars. And we never told them they were different»
In this episode of the podcast «Ai Tu Jianes. Did you know that?» we shall find out who Çingene are and how were they saved from death and deportation by Crimean Tatars—and how Çingene saved a portion of Crimean Tatar culture.
«Before 2014, Crimean Tatars, their history, and culture were a terra incognita for Ukraine


«Before 2014, Crimean Tatars, their history, and culture were a terra incognita for Ukraine
What is the difference between the status of indigenous peoples and national minorities in Ukraine? Does the attitude towards them differ in society and what problems do they face? Listen to the first part of the conversation conducted by Eva Raiska.
«Our greatest little victory is when a person gets what he or she is entitled to», – Oleksandr Osipo


«Our greatest little victory is when a person gets what he or she is entitled to», – Oleksandr Osipo
The guest of our today’s Ai tu Jianes (‘Did you know that?’) is Oleksandr Osipov, Representative of the Authorised Official Ensuring Equal Rights and Liberties, Rights of Ethnic Minorities, Political and Religious Convictions.
Пала кода сар тасавенас ле рромен пала лендірі шиб тай пала ситярімос ле беяценґо (ашунен рроманес)


Пала кода сар тасавенас ле рромен пала лендірі шиб тай пала ситярімос ле беяценґо (ашунен рроманес)
«Анде школе, анде Булґарія ле рромане беятонен фарте тасавенас і ґаже ваш кода, со воне на жаненас мішто гажаї шиб - лен бішаленас анде спеціаліме школе, кай воне нашісаренас те ситьон, сар нормальні беяце», – розпгендя о професорі Кючюково ваш амаро подкасто.
Nov. 15, 2024
The Forbidden Language: How the oppression of Roma language has impacted children’s education


The Forbidden Language: How the oppression of Roma language has impacted children’s education
“In Bulgarian schools, Roma children were often harassed because of their lack of knowledge of the Bulgarian language - they were sent to specialized institutions, which effectively isolated them from education,” Dr. Kuchukov said in our podcast. He shared the problems faced by Roma children in Bulgarian schools and the oppression of the communist regime in the past.
Nov. 15, 2024
High time: How does Europe monitor the rights of Roma in Ukraine?


High time: How does Europe monitor the rights of Roma in Ukraine?
Representatives of NGOs, Ukrainian state authorities, EU, and UN have convened in Kyiv to discuss the rights and issues pertaining to the Romani community in Ukraine. Why is this important and why our future depends on it? Listen to the Ai Tu Jianes podcast and find out.