More about "Djanes" project
“Djanes” is a modern media platform of ARCA for establishing dialogue, support and solidarity in Ukraine and abroad. It is a space free of stereotypes and prejudice. The voices of those who often go unheard in the contemporary Ukrainian media space are heard here. They tell stories of resistance, overcoming and fighting for their values and identity.
“Djanes” in Romani language means "Do you know?". Here we share knowledge and talk about the history of the Roma and the participation of the community in civic activism, cultural, political and economic life.
“Djanes” is a platform about co-creation, participation and cooperation. We do not offer an exclusive Roma space, but stand for the idea that we, the Ukrainian Roma, are, first and foremost, an integral part of the country's history and society.
In our team, there are ethnic Roma and Ukrainians, and we work together to display activities of Roma communities who are equal citizens of Ukrainian society as a part of a free Europe.
Your assistant on the platform will be a friend of the Roma people - the bird Dodo.
Did you know that the Dodo is a bird from the dodo subfamily, whose representatives ceased to exist due to careless and irresponsible human intrusion into their habitat?
Today, the Dodo lives only in the digital world, reminding people by example that tolerance and mutual respect are the key to a harmonious existence. On the platform “Djanes” he helps to tell the stories of activists and people who are not indifferent to Roma people.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union and the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). Its contents are the sole responsibility of Agency for the Advocacy of Roma Culture (ARCA) of GMF.’
See also
- Найбільш забутий геноцид: знищення ромів нацистами
- Найбільш забутий геноцид: Що ми знаємо про знищення ромів нацистами і чому повинні говорити про це?
- Відомі роми, які включені в сучасне українське суспільство
- Актор мандрівного цирку, який пережив Голокост. І не втративши людяності, продовжував боротися
- History speaking through art
- Not just music and dancing. Stories of famous Romanis who are integrated into Ukrainian society
- Look and do not forget: how genocide was planned and implemented for decades
- Here lived Josyp Adam
- "Наша історія ніколи не розповідалася нами. Її розказували через призму російських колонізаторів"
- Dikh He Na Bicster–2024: A visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau (A PHOTO REPORT)