
The Devil is in the Details: How Ukrainian History Textbooks Depict the Extermination of Romanis by

The Devil is in the Details: How Ukrainian History Textbooks Depict the Extermination of Romanis by

March 25, 2024

We analyzed a pool of popular history textbooks. They are posted on the website of the Institute for the Modernization of Educational Content. It is a state institution under the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. So these books are in all Ukrainian schools. What are these books like? Let's see.

Who are the Çingene and how have they preserved the culture of Crimea?

Who are the Çingene and how have they preserved the culture of Crimea?

Their religion is related to Islam, and their language contains many Turkic words. They consider Crimea their homeland, although they are scattered in different parts of Ukraine.

"I am a skinhead, give me your location": how social media spreads hatred towards the Roma

"I am a skinhead, give me your location": how social media spreads hatred towards the Roma

March 4, 2024

Social media provides complete freedom of action. By hiding behind 'personal opinion,' people generate hatred, discrimination, stereotypes, and hostile language (the list can go on, unfortunately, all marked with a 'minus' sign).

Inspired by Shevchenko: Burmek-Diuri, a man who made his dream come true and became the first Romani

Inspired by Shevchenko: Burmek-Diuri, a man who made his dream come true and became the first Romani

He is referred to as the First Romani Writer of Zakarpattia (Transcarpathia). His biography is full of challenges and difficulties that created serious obstacles in his life

"Pervert Romanis" and "underage Gypsies". How the mass media failed at assessing the crime in Kryvyi

"Pervert Romanis" and "underage Gypsies". How the mass media failed at assessing the crime in Kryvyi

Feb. 6, 2024

In Kryvyi Rih City, three teenagers aged 13 to 15 raped a woman. Not just the city where the crime was committed but the entire Ukraine was shaken by the news. That, however, was not the end of the story…

Romanis. Remembering the Holocaust Survivors

Romanis. Remembering the Holocaust Survivors

Jan. 26, 2024

The tragedy of the Holocaust should be a reminder to everyone of the fact that no one should be denigrated due to his or her ethnicity, religion or otherwise…

Something should be left in the past: the stereotyping of Roma in classical literature

Something should be left in the past: the stereotyping of Roma in classical literature

Jan. 21, 2024

This is a classic! We hear it everywhere. Authors of enthusiastic reviews may even raise their eyes to the sky, click their tongues, and make a characteristic hand gesture. But what lies behind this classicism? What does literature, which has become a model, teach us?

Malanka Festivities, Leading the Horse , and Honouring the Ancestors: Christmas Celebrations among R

Malanka Festivities, Leading the Horse , and Honouring the Ancestors: Christmas Celebrations among R

Christmas traditions of Romani communities feature ancient and authentic customs and traditions. Not unlike Ukrainians, the Romanis consider it important to cherish the memory of their deceased ancestors and to propagate their bloodline; to prepare honey kutia with walnuts, to sing Koliada carols at the top of one’s voice—and, of course, to immerse oneself into the spirit and the magic of the upcoming Christmas.

"I am Ukrainian, yes – I am a Romani": the impressive story of the poetess Rani Romani.

"I am Ukrainian, yes – I am a Romani": the impressive story of the poetess Rani Romani.

Raisa Nabaranchuk, or as most Roma people call her, Rani Romani, is one of the few representatives of Romani literature who became an important cult figure in the creation of Romani poetry and culture overall during her lifetime.

Why are the Roma “unsuccessful”? Or how does discrimination impact the future.

Why are the Roma “unsuccessful”? Or how does discrimination impact the future.

Dec. 4, 2023

Education is the foundation of any successful society. The main thing is for all citizens of this society to have unimpeded access to quality education.