
The Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveler civil society
June 13, 2024
The Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveler civil society

The 17th meeting of the Council of Europe's Dialogue with Roma and Traveller Civil Society is dedicated to the history of Roma and Travellers, as well as to memory, recognition and education about the Roma Holocaust. Challenges in this area include the fact that the history of Roma and Travellers is not reflected in education, and most educational materials ignore the Roma Holocaust.

Conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin
June 12, 2024
Conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin

At the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin ARCA is presenting the needs of Roma in Ukraine that must be taken into account in the process of rebuilding Ukraine.

Registration for the DIKH HE NA BISTER event is open
Charity events
June 5, 2024
Registration for the DIKH HE NA BISTER event is open

The youth agency for advocacy of Roma culture “ARСA” within the project “Time to Remember 2024” invites applications for participation in the event DIKH HE NA BISTER (July 29 - August 4, 2024 in Krakow). This is an initiative to commemorate the Roma genocide, which is being held to tell more about the black page in history and to honor the memory of the victims.

Educational event "Roma in Ukraine - fighters for democracy, human rights and justice" was held
May 21, 2024
Educational event "Roma in Ukraine - fighters for democracy, human rights and justice" was held

On Romani Resistance Day, May 16, Berlin hosted an educational event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice" dedicated to the Roma resistance and the importance of Roma in Ukraine during the Russian aggression.

Statement by Roma and pro-Roma civil society
May 21, 2024
Statement by Roma and pro-Roma civil society

We are deeply concerned about the public statements made by Mr. Viktor Andrusiv, a former advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, during an interview. In his statement, Mr. Andrusiv used offensive language that reinforces negative stereotypes, comparing citizens who evade conscription in Ukraine to Roma.

A presentation of the book "Russian Colonialism 101"
May 17, 2024
A presentation of the book "Russian Colonialism 101"

On 17 May, the Pilecki Institute in Berlin hosted a presentation of the book "Russian Colonialism 101" by Ukrainian journalist and media expert Maksym Eristavi.

May 16 - Romani Resistance Day
May 16, 2024
May 16 - Romani Resistance Day

The history of the Roma people is inextricably linked to pain, persecution and destruction. And May 16 is a date that reminds us of the terrible historical events and the heroic resistance of the Roma. It is the Romani Resistance Day.

Ukrainian Decolonization: the Untold Roma Stories
May 14, 2024
Ukrainian Decolonization: the Untold Roma Stories

Prominent Ukrainian Roma will share their stories of anti-colonial resistance, how they fit into the broader decolonization awakening in Ukraine, and what they tell us about the nature and models of Russian imperial culture.

Public event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice"
April 25, 2024
Public event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice"

A public event “Roma in Ukraine - Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice” will be held in Berlin. Despite anti-Gypsyism in Ukraine, many Roma are actively fighting in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and contributing to the defense and reconstruction of Ukraine.

Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles
March 22, 2024
Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles

Representatives of “Arka” took part in the seminar and conference “Identifying the challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma during the war and overcoming obstacles through policy, advocacy and empowerment” in Warsaw.