The Forum dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Female Movement in Ukraine
A representative of ARCA took part in the Forum dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Female Movement conducted on the initiative of the Ukrainian Women's Fund.
Such events are important due to the fact that Romani women face multiple discriminations both in view of their gender and in view of their ethnic origin. Overcoming stigma and creating possibilities for each and every woman to make their dreams and ideas come true constitute key issues to be on the agenda of the Forum.
Programme of the Forum
The event featured over 200 participants from all regions of Ukraine. They were discussing the history of the movement, its challenges that have emerged as a result of Russia’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine as well as possibilities that are now accessible to women and the female community in general. Another topic, discussed separately, was the issue of female representation in the bodies of state authority, business, and NGOs.
One of the honourable guests of the event was the Canadian Minister for International Development, Ahmed Hussen. As per his words, the full-scale invasion has left an imprint on the female movement, too, as it has created new challenges. Considering the present-day situation, Canada applies the feminist approach to provision of humanitarian assistance. Expanding the rights and possibilities of women positively impacts the society in general. Canada actively supports the protection of female rights as it recognises their key role in the development of stable and flourishing country.
Photo: Ahmed Hussen, Canadian Minister of International Development
Representatives of NGOs also presented handmade dolls which they crafted and which represent the Founding Mothers of the Female Movement in Ukraine. Copies of embroideries of prominent Ukrainian women were also presented, including Lesia Ukrainka, Olena Pchilka, Madame Hetman Skoropadskyi and others. Another important event that tool place within the Forum was the defacing of a stamp entitled «140th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Female Movement».
Discussion panels were attended by female representatives of parliament, business, and NGOs. They told the attendees about difficulties women face in each and every sector—and also shared their success stories—particularly, how they managed to ensure female soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received uniforms tailored for women.
An Appeal to the Women of the World
At the conclusion of the Forum, its participants prepared An Appeal to the Women of the World. Its basic statements were as follows:
1. To defend the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
2. To support the sending of weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
3. To demand that Ukrainian military and civl POWs and children be returned.
4. To exert pressure upon Russia and demand a stop to military aggression.
5. To condemn the Russian aggression.
6. To demand that sanctions be imposed upon Russia.
7. To demand that Russia and its propaganda be boycotted.
8. To provide assistance to Ukraine in its reconstruction and recovery of resources lost.
You can support the Appeal of the Participants of the Forum on the Occasion of the 140th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Female Movement «Female Movement Acts in Each and Every Woman…» by visiting the link below.
PHOTO: Ukrainian Women's Fund
See also
- У Берліні відбувся показ фільму про геноцид ромського народу
- Міхаель Рот: «Роми є найбільшою етноспільнотою Європи. І ми маємо визнавати їхній внесок»
- Humanitarian Aid, Human Rights, Equality: Challenges faced by the Roma Community
- Participation in the panel discussion “Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma in the Ukraine”
- Attitude towards minorities is an important indicator of Ukraine's readiness to accede to the EU
- A networking meeting between civil society participants
- We are already planning the restoration of Ukraine: an international conference has begun
- Participation in DEZIM CONFERENCE 2024
- The Art of Memory: How the Romani Tragedy Resurrects from Oblivion
- "Romanis must be included in the processes of Ukraine’s Reconstruction", – Volodymyr Yakovenko
- The event "Roma contribution to the Recovery of Ukraine"
- The Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveler civil society
- Conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin
- Educational event "Roma in Ukraine - fighters for democracy, human rights and justice" was held
- Ukrainian Decolonization: the Untold Roma Stories
- Public event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice"
- Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles
- Cafe Kyiv event took place in Berlin
- Respect, Recognition and Rights of National Minorities in Ukraine
- Consultation meeting on opportunities for Roma youth realization
- Meeting with a member of the Bundestag
- Conference “Roma as an integral part of Ukrainian society”
- Forum of Roma civil society
- "The Russian War Against Ukraine and Its Consequences for Roma" conference
- First day of Roma Civil Society Forum
- The Sastipe project
- The project Through my mind
- DIKH HE NA BISTER - Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative