The event "Roma contribution to the Recovery of Ukraine"
June 19, 2024
In a framework of the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 within the "Meet&Greet" section on 12 June in Berlin ARCA together with Ukrainian and international Roma partners "Voice of Romni", "Chiricly", "Roma Foundation for Europe", "Central Council of German Sinti and Roma" organized the event "Roma contribution to the Recovery of Ukraine".
The guests from German, Ukrainian governments and international donors were actively participating in the discussion on what are the needs of Roma during the process of reconstruction including tangible and intangible aspects, as well as contributions of Roma to the victory of Ukraine.
See also
- У Берліні відбувся показ фільму про геноцид ромського народу
- Міхаель Рот: «Роми є найбільшою етноспільнотою Європи. І ми маємо визнавати їхній внесок»
- Humanitarian Aid, Human Rights, Equality: Challenges faced by the Roma Community
- Participation in the panel discussion “Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma in the Ukraine”
- Attitude towards minorities is an important indicator of Ukraine's readiness to accede to the EU
- A networking meeting between civil society participants
- We are already planning the restoration of Ukraine: an international conference has begun
- Participation in DEZIM CONFERENCE 2024
- The Art of Memory: How the Romani Tragedy Resurrects from Oblivion
- The Forum dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Female Movement in Ukraine
- "Romanis must be included in the processes of Ukraine’s Reconstruction", – Volodymyr Yakovenko
- The Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveler civil society
- Conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin
- Educational event "Roma in Ukraine - fighters for democracy, human rights and justice" was held
- Ukrainian Decolonization: the Untold Roma Stories
- Public event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice"
- Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles
- Cafe Kyiv event took place in Berlin
- Respect, Recognition and Rights of National Minorities in Ukraine
- Consultation meeting on opportunities for Roma youth realization
- Meeting with a member of the Bundestag
- Conference “Roma as an integral part of Ukrainian society”
- Forum of Roma civil society
- "The Russian War Against Ukraine and Its Consequences for Roma" conference
- First day of Roma Civil Society Forum
- The Sastipe project
- The project Through my mind
- DIKH HE NA BISTER - Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative