The Sastipe project
Aug. 27, 2021
As part of the Sastipe project, a training was held for Roma and non-Roma youth.
Representatives from Germany, Slovakia, and Ukraine took part.
The training focused on combating prejudice against individual Roma and the Roma community as a whole.
See also
- У Берліні відбувся показ фільму про геноцид ромського народу
- Міхаель Рот: «Роми є найбільшою етноспільнотою Європи. І ми маємо визнавати їхній внесок»
- Humanitarian Aid, Human Rights, Equality: Challenges faced by the Roma Community
- Participation in the panel discussion “Challenges Faced by Ukrainian Roma in the Ukraine”
- Attitude towards minorities is an important indicator of Ukraine's readiness to accede to the EU
- A networking meeting between civil society participants
- We are already planning the restoration of Ukraine: an international conference has begun
- Participation in DEZIM CONFERENCE 2024
- The Art of Memory: How the Romani Tragedy Resurrects from Oblivion
- The Forum dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of the Female Movement in Ukraine
- "Romanis must be included in the processes of Ukraine’s Reconstruction", – Volodymyr Yakovenko
- The event "Roma contribution to the Recovery of Ukraine"
- The Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveler civil society
- Conference on Ukraine's recovery in Berlin
- Educational event "Roma in Ukraine - fighters for democracy, human rights and justice" was held
- Ukrainian Decolonization: the Untold Roma Stories
- Public event "Roma in Ukraine – Fighters for Democracy, Human Rights and Justice"
- Mapping the Challenges faced by Ukrainian Roma in a War Time and Overcoming the Obstacles
- Cafe Kyiv event took place in Berlin
- Respect, Recognition and Rights of National Minorities in Ukraine
- Consultation meeting on opportunities for Roma youth realization
- Meeting with a member of the Bundestag
- Conference “Roma as an integral part of Ukrainian society”
- Forum of Roma civil society
- "The Russian War Against Ukraine and Its Consequences for Roma" conference
- First day of Roma Civil Society Forum
- The project Through my mind
- DIKH HE NA BISTER - Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative