
Holocaust: tragedy of the Romani people that remains one of the least studied pages of the ІІ World
Sept. 16, 2024
Holocaust: tragedy of the Romani people that remains one of the least studied pages of the ІІ World

From the early August to the end of September, the world commemorates innocent people tortured and killed during the Second World War due to the Nazi ethnocide policy. On the 2nd of August, the world commemorated the 80th anniversary of the Romani Genocide. Commemorative events took place in the former death camp, Auschwitz-Birkenau, attended by the high dignitaries, international representatives, and Romani organisations. On the 29th of September, the world is going to commemorate the tragedy of Babyn Yar which, during the German occupation of Kyiv, became the location of mass ethnic-based gunfire executions of Jews and Romanis. The historical truth about the tragic stories of the Romani people has only recently been revealed in full.

Дивись і не забувай: 80 роковини масового вбивства ромів у Аушвіц-Біркенау
July 27, 2024
Дивись і не забувай: 80 роковини масового вбивства ромів у Аушвіц-Біркенау

2 серпня – це день вшанування пам'яті всіх більш як 500 000 синті та ромів, вбитих в окупованій нацистами Європі. У цю дату проводиться комемораційна церемонія на місці страт ромів у Аушвіц-Біркенау. Проєкт пам’яті Dikh He Na Bister (Дивись і не забувай) збирає сотні учасників з усієї Європи. Молодь з різних країн вчиться, знайомиться з незнаними сторінками історії, відвідує пам’ятні місця і вшановує загиблих.

The Time to Remember project is an educational and memorial program for young people
Jan. 30, 2024
The Time to Remember project is an educational and memorial program for young people

Educational and memorial program for youth – “Time to Remember”. It promotes the adaptation of successful international commemorative approaches to Ukrainian realities and the creation of a lasting tradition of commemorating the memory of young people at the local and national levels. The project focuses on the Roma genocide to fight for equality and against racism, addressing the lack of memory and education about this event.

How to Decolonize Memory?
Jan. 5, 2024
How to Decolonize Memory?

The workshop “How to Decolonize Memory?” took place in November in Berlin. The participants went on a tour of the Jewish Museum and held a reflective session on the representation of the history and memory of Roma and Sinti.

Workshop “How to decolonize memory?”
Dec. 11, 2023
Workshop “How to decolonize memory?”

At the end of November, ARCA completed another project in Berlin, How to Decolonize Memory. A wide range of workshops, trainings, and excursions to Jewish museums and memorials to Roma and Jewish victims of the Holocaust were part of it.

International event Dikh He Na Bister
Aug. 16, 2023
International event Dikh He Na Bister

11 activists from the Roma community of Ukraine took part in the annual international event Dikh He Na Bister. During the week they researched the topic "Roma Genocide during World War II".

Roma Holocaust Memorial Day
Aug. 10, 2023
Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

On August 2, the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, the delegation from Ukraine joined the commemorative ceremony in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Roma Civil Society Forum: Video
Feb. 1, 2023
Roma Civil Society Forum: Video

The five-day Roma Civil Society Forum has come to an end, with participants discussing the difficulties faced by the Roma community in Ukraine and ways to overcome them.

The event in Heilderberg, Germany
July 19, 2022
The event in Heilderberg, Germany

The event program includes group discussions, team projects, and individual reflections on the proposed topics, as well as yoga, art therapy, and other activities.

Second part  of the educational project "At the Crossroads of History"
Nov. 5, 2021
Second part of the educational project "At the Crossroads of History"

Participants from Ukraine and Germany exchange experience and gain new knowledge in the field of human rights.