«Lightweight» videos about heavyweight stereotypes. Why is TikTok full of anti-Gypsyism?
So you say, it is just a fruit of historical development? The usual thing? Oh, and we just do not get jokes, do we? Or maybe this «humour» is really stereotyped and just not funny? For two days, I have been watching this «lightweight» content on Tik Tok, only to have a wave of questions and a hurricane of indignation.
Tik Tok is a popular social network with video content. After its launch, it was downloaded hundreds of thousands of times, breaking records. It is still one of the most visited social networks. Short videos, endless timeline, personalised recommendations, a variety of plots… And an enormous amount of prejudice and anti-Gypsyism.
Now let us get to examples. You might as well get your anger control user manual with breathing instructions. Because the absurdity of all that is breaking through the roof.
Example 1
Firstly, the attire. Of course, distaste equals ‘Gypsyness’. That used to be the common term to denote motley outfit with a lot of adornment. But the stylists went further. Now, «Gypsy aesthetics» is a term to denote a sweatshirt with a logo. I mean, not yobbery, not show-offery—it just must be «Gypsy aesthetics». Why do we have to move from generalised notions like «misplaced», «out of style», «not in vogue» to the depreciation of an ethnic group?
Example 2
The next mention of «Gypsies» is encountered with a hashtag #maybethatwaslove. Sounds like something cute and nice, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. Here you go: a video clip about a little cat. How is it related? Quote: «This morning, I made a mess of the entire flat, bit and scratched everyone and then Mummy—instead of shipping me off to the Gypsies—gave me some pâté». Here we are. Even the upbringing of cats is based on threats to give the kitten away to representatives of the Romani ethnic group.
That’s not the end of it! This same punchline has already become a trend on Tiktok. We see videos with the literally same signature over and over again. Smilies change but «Gypsies» remain. Would the entire joke lose its fun without the phrase about «the Gypsies»? We doubt it would… Here is an example of how this same situation could have been presented without stereotypes.
Example 3
The next video is about the wonders of communication and mutual understanding. We have a car at a car park. The driver opens the window and puts out a pepper spray into the window. Why so? Because the «Gypsies are approaching». Tell me y’all, please be so kind, where’s the funny bit? And what criteria did the author use to identify them as Romanis? Or is he ready to pepper spray just about everyone?
All of the video clips above are permeated with stereotypes and bias. The lame attire is an invented thing—same as the ‘sharovary style’, as far as Ukrainian national clothing is concerned. See for yourself, compare it, and you will be amazed how similar these stereotypes are.
Jokes about “the Gypsies” are a form of distaste and an expression of chauvinism
When was the last time you have read stories about kidnapping of children by the horrible «Gypsies»? And why would one suddenly have the urge to defend oneself upon seeing another person dressed in a Romani ethnic attire? Are you sure that all of the Romanis are pickpockets, hyphothisers, crooks? And wherefrom do you have such a conviction? From personal experience or from videos like this one?
And now we get to the cherry on top of this cake of absurd. We see a glass door. On the one side of it there is a hand holding some cash and on the other side there is a child trying to grab the banknote. The child is not particularly successful in its attempts, as it does not understand that the glass is a real obstacle, so the door needs to be opened—just as any other door does. The video is furnished with a sexist text: «Me: a strong and independent woman; also me: when I see money». And then there is the final addition: the signature: «season of Gypsies». How can one comment this? I have no idea. Here, everything is put together. The self-serving nature of women, the mockery of their ingenuity, and Gypsies. What kind of a «talent» should one have in order to mix all of the above into one piece?
It is the little things that we should start focusing on in our effort to overcome stereotypes. Though these are in no way little things
Do you thing these episodes are of little importance? Well, if you encounter them rarely indeed, one may concur with that. Here’s a joke on Tik Tok. And here is a fortuneteller Gypsy woman in a movie. Next you hear a friend telling you a story about the «horrible Romanis who do not work and do not wish to study».
The fly wheel is in motion and the machine is pulling down everything on its way forward. This, incidentally, is also the manner in which propaganda works. Next to direct, unconcealed mottos, hints, allusions, and half-tones are applied, too. Here we have a little joke, there we have a lame depiction, next we have a stereotype in motion, a Gypsy dance on air, and so on, and so forth…
And would you like a little bit of paradox? I wonder if all of those TikTokers mocking Romanis know that several months ago they were recording trending videos accompanied by a Romani music track? What I have in mind is the track entitled «Fo Fo» which has been the underlying track for over 213,000 videos. So what do we have in the end? Turns out Romanis can be cool, they can be modern, that they can be trendy? Nearly generic!
Any conclusions? Do we need them though? It seems that everything is pretty clear. That what has come about as a result of history is a stereotype gone sour which has nothing to do with actual reality. Putting everyone into a Procrustean bed is a false strategy which prevents the society from developing. And does everyone really know when a Romani is near? In the army, among doctors and lawyers? There are Romanis entrepreneurs, IT and mass media specialists, psychologists, and so on. There are Romanis in every segment of society. So maybe let us stop with the lame «jokes», let us stop using stereotypes imposed upon us by the imperialists?
Little by little, we learn to accept the diversity, as we master the tolerant vocabulary. So perhaps it is time to understand that the Romanis are an ethnic group, same as dozens of others.
See also
- День пам’яті жертв Голокосту: спогади й уроки
- Roma roots in the superheroes’ universe: Is Marvel dismantling stereotypes?
- Roma Writers in Literature: Papusza
- A Story of the Hijacking a Russian tank: Reception and Artistic Depiction
- Does AI know more about Roma people than we do? Experimenting with ChatGPT
- Romani and Ukrainian Wedding Traditions: Similarities and Symbolism
- Between Reality and Romanticism: Mérimée’s description of the Romani world in his Carmen novel
- Forced marriage? Why do Romani girls cry at weddings?
- Between education and war: how the occupation has destroyed the education of Roma children
- Yevhen Magda: «A multi-ethnic political nation is our competitive advantage»