Day of Ukrainian Unity and Liberty
Dear Friends!
Today, we are celebrating Day of Ukrainian Unity and Liberty. This holiday reminds us of the unity of our nation, of our common goal and our strength which helps us overcome any difficulty. For our multi-ethnic country where each culture is a part of the grand mosaic, this holiday is of particular importance.
We, the Roma community, are proud of being part of this united country and to enrich its culture, history, and future, together with other people living in Ukraine. May the Day of Unity and Liberty remind each and every one of us of how important unity and mutual respect are, as we march on together, towards a better future.
We wish all of you peace, prosperity, inspiration, and faith in our common strength. Together, we are invincible!
Best regards,
The team of ARCA Youth Agency for Roma Culture Advocacy
See also
- Молодіжна агенція з адвокації ромської культури «АРКА» запрошує до своєї команди SMM-менеджера/ку
- August 24th — Ukrainian Independence Day
- Address on the occasion of the Roma Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Statement by Roma and pro-Roma civil society
- May 16 - Romani Resistance Day
- Open letter of the Roma Council of Ukraine and the Roma Youth Council