
Бачити, відчувати, пам’ятати: у музеї Бабиного Яру презентували нову виставку
Sept. 9, 2024
Бачити, відчувати, пам’ятати: у музеї Бабиного Яру презентували нову виставку

Виставка «Їхня пам'ять моїми очима» доступна для відвідувачів Національного історико-меморіального заповідника «Бабин Яр». Свідчення очевидців геноциду часів Другої світової поєднані з візуальними матеріалами презентувала молодіжна агенція адвокації ромської культури «АРКА».

Arka's activities in photos. What have we achieved and where are we headed?
Feb. 19, 2024
Arka's activities in photos. What have we achieved and where are we headed?

We continue to work for you and with you. Together to victory and a better future!

Winners of the Roma Artists Support Program from Ukraine
Nov. 25, 2023
Winners of the Roma Artists Support Program from Ukraine

The program to support Roma artists from Ukraine has announced the winners.

Me Ukrainatar exhibition in Drohobych
Oct. 3, 2023
Me Ukrainatar exhibition in Drohobych

The artist invites guests to find the answer to the question of who the Roma of Ukraine are, what makes them outstanding and what role they play in modern European society.

“ARCA" opens Me Ukrainatar exhibition in Ivano-Frankivsk
Sept. 12, 2023
“ARCA" opens Me Ukrainatar exhibition in Ivano-Frankivsk

Through the visuality of the analog collage technique, the author invites you to get acquainted with representatives of the Roma community and find the answer to the question of what makes them outstanding and what role they play in modern European society.

Art Exhibition "Me Ukrainatar" in Ivano-Frankivsk
Sept. 4, 2023
Art Exhibition "Me Ukrainatar" in Ivano-Frankivsk

On 8 September 2023, an art exhibition about prominent Roma of Ukraine opens in Ivano-Frankivsk

Performance  Named Voices  in Krakow
July 20, 2023
Performance Named Voices in Krakow

We invite you to visit the Named Voices documentary performance in Krakow.

Documentary performance "From Home to Home"
Dec. 19, 2022
Documentary performance "From Home to Home"

We staged the documentary performance "From Home to Home" in Berlin Tak Theater.

The Stereobreakers educational and artistic initiative
Aug. 26, 2021
The Stereobreakers educational and artistic initiative

We share the moments of the theatrical and documentary production on the topic of stereotypes about the Roma community.

The traveling exhibition "Their Memory Through My Eyes"
Aug. 7, 2021
The traveling exhibition "Their Memory Through My Eyes"

As part of the Remembrance Week, a presentation of the traveling exhibition "Their Memory Through My Eyes" was organized in Okhtyrka.