August 24th — Ukrainian Independence Day
Happy Independence Day, Ukraine!
Romanis very well remember how nations were exterminated. Nowadays, Russia is doing just that. The history repeats itself.
So today’s struggle takes place not on land but for one’s right to live. To live in harmony, together: ethnic Ukrainians Romanis, Jews, Armenians. To live free and independent. Today’s struggle is a struggle for the right to be oneself. For the right to fly a Romani flag alongside the yellow-and-blue one.
Ukraine is our home. So today, Romanis are defending Ukrainian cities and villages—their home—as soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Romanis volunteer. They join the rallies in support of Ukraine all around the world. And, together with all other Ukranians, they, too, celebrate Ukraine’s Independence Day.
One ought to remember that independence is not only a matter of territory, politics, culture. It also means the absence of stereotypes, bias, discrimination. Independence is when no one is afraid to be himself or herself.
Happy Holiday, Friends!
Let us recall each and every compatriot of ours who has given their live in order for us to enjoy this day. We thank all the Defenders who are protecting our future.
Truth will overcome! Ukraine will win.
See also
- Молодіжна агенція з адвокації ромської культури «АРКА» запрошує до своєї команди SMM-менеджера/ку
- Day of Ukrainian Unity and Liberty
- Address on the occasion of the Roma Holocaust Remembrance Day
- Statement by Roma and pro-Roma civil society
- May 16 - Romani Resistance Day
- Open letter of the Roma Council of Ukraine and the Roma Youth Council