Daria Vorona
Журналістка проєкту "Жянес"
- Як ромська мова з'явилась у Перекладачі. Або історія ромки, яка працює в Google
- The innocent words that denigrate: why the notion of «info-Gypsyry» should vanish
- The Children-Grabbers: another portion of cringe from TikTok
- Art or a way to survive? How a concentration camp has turned a talent into an instrument of extermin
- The Opulence and Diversity of European Languages: We Learn Romani
- The Melody of Mother Tongue: How Romani children get to know themselves through words
- History speaking through art
- Look and do not forget: how genocide was planned and implemented for decades
- Dikh He Na Bicster–2024: A visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau (A PHOTO REPORT)
- Racism and bullying in TikTok: how Romanis are depicted in this social network